If you’re curious, come to a class.
There’s no pressure to participate.

Improv is an experience that’s just
as fun to watch as it is to step into.
Many members of our Drama Club
team got their start from the sidelines!

Join The Club!

Our community classes are open to young folks between the ages
of 12 and 24 who are enrolled with our program partner The Door.

Are you interested in joining the Drama Club family? Fill out
the form below and one of our team members will be in touch.


An Important Note:


DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging)
isn’t just the heart of Drama Club’s mission, but
it’s also the driving force behind the culture we
foster within. Living these values is what makes
our organization a better place. 

We’re committed to ensuring that everyone in
the Drama Club family has the tools and
opportunities to live their fullest potential.